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Bringing Heavenly Peace to Earthly Bodies




Choosing Peace






Heavenly Peace Coaching is dedicated to bringing heavenly peace to earthly bodies. We aim to  inspire clients to courageously move beyond unconscious patterns and behaviors by offering a non judgmental space to discover their truth within. Furthermore Heavenly Peace is committed to allowing Sprit/Source/Divinity to  be the primary guidance in each and every session  supporting clients to align with unconditional love moment by moment.


Sula Jewel is a seasoned Trauma-informed Somatic Coach with over twenty years in the Holistic Healing Arts. She has successfully facilitated many individuals through deep transformational work using Breath and Energy Therapy. Sula is multidimensional Priestess of Peace! She combines numerous body/mind/spirit healing techniques to provide the client with exactly what is needed for change. While empowering her clients to ignite their own knowing she focuses on increasing the client's self awareness and self love.

​ Sula Jewel lives in Delray Beach Florida where she teaches classes and guides therapeutic session. She has created and instituted a Holistic Program for Mandala Healing Center in Palm Beach. Sula Jewel works as Intuitive Breathing Teacher (Breath Coach), ThetaHealing Practitioner, Energy-worker and Seminar Leader. She also created the popular Breathwork Meditation CD called A Breath of Consciousness.


Our approach to healing is soulful and holistic and it does not replace Clinical Therapy.


BOOK RELEASE : The 5 Habits for the Healthy Empath is now available.

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Specializing in Anxiety Treatment, Depression and Relationship Conflicts


Underneath the thoughts that creates fear, worry and apprehension is a deep sense of  feeling unsafe. Feeling unsafe in the body and in the mind comes from deep in the subconscious and for various different reasons.

Inner Child

Re Parent Your Inner Child.

Most of us didn’t get all of our needs met as a child. Breathworks provides an opportunity for a new imprint of being heard, acknowledged and supported. To heal the wounded child coaching is necessary. 


Depression is a collection of negative thoughts about the world, situations and about one self. Most of these thoughts are hidden yet creating debilitating emotional states. 


Trauma is not what happens to you, it's what happens inside you as a result of what happened to you. Trauma is that scarring that makes you less flexible, more rigid, less feeling and more defended." Gabor Maté

All trauma effects our nervous system in insidious ways. It effects our memory, our creativity, our ability to focus, our ability to love, it can destroy our zest for living. All trauma is recorded in the body.


"Relationships are our primary teacher. They are the context in which we either grow into the consciousness of God, or deny ourselves and others the opportunity to do so." 


Got Physical stress, emotional stress, mental stress?  All stress blocks out healing and creativity. Breathworks tools and techniques brings the body back to Homeostasis.

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